Earn money with online training
What is online training?
Online training consists of series of lectures, courses or lessons on a particular subject.
It generally leads to an examination or a qualification. The word “course” can also mean “set of lessons” and therefore take on a meaning similar to that of the word “training“.
A bit like training through a curriculum or study program to follow in order to complete successfully.
What does your online training consist of?
Your online training is made up of modules that contain chapters, which helps structure your online training.
Online training allows you to share videos, audios, texts, documents to download (eBook, PDF, doc, xls, etc.), images, etc.
Your online training can be certifying, thanks to evaluations for each module; you get a diploma at the end of the training.
It is accompanied by a sales funnel containing sales pages with payment forms by paypal, stripe, bank transfers, etc.
You stay in contact with the students of the trainings by sending emails, newsletters, as well as by comments and forums.
How to smartly choose an online training platform?
The answer to this question requires the consideration of many criteria and parameters. To find the solution that suits you perfectly, nothing should be left to chance.
A Learning Management System (LMS) allows you to create online courses and share them with an audience.
We offer several solutions adapted to your needs.
Whether it is solutions using Podia, Learnybox, systeme.io, etc… we will use the solution that suits you best.
We take care of all the programming and development part of your training platform.
You simply provide us with the content you wish to publish.
We also manage support requests from users (students).