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IT support Mac and Windows


IT support meets several objectives:

  • Preserving the performance of hardware and software
  • Updating the computer system
  • Correcting any problems with the computer equipment

We offer you an effective IT support plan with:

preventive IT support
corrective IT support
evolutionary IT support

Preventive IT support aims to prevent the appearance of viruses or computer problems, to secure the system, and to improve its efficiency. To implement it, it is imperative to monitor the computer park by controlling the anti-virus and firewall, to update the software, to clean the computers and to know the space available on the servers and workstations. work.

CorrectiveIT supportmakes it possible to repair bugs, computer crashes and breakdowns.

The evolutionary IT support allows to be always at the forefront of progress and to use computers, printers, last generation peripherals, also compatible with new technologies.

We offer computer repair services, repair of computers, laptops, printers, maintenance, home, on-site and remote services.

We also have a remote maintenance service for IT support.

Simple, fast and efficient, our remote troubleshooting is very popular with users.

Our troubleshooting includes the following points:

  • Remote diagnosis
  • Installing software
  • Update
  • Regular IT support
  • Email Setup
  • Browser cleaning
  • etc.

Our experienced technicians troubleshoot both individuals and professionals.

If you land on this page, there is a good chance that you need computer repair.

For more than 30 years, we have been repairing our customers as quickly as possible with, as the only priority, their satisfaction!

We offer IT support for your computer equipment including the following activities:

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